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Wednesday 13 February 2008

Many Questions but no answers ....

What happened to the remains of short 4 foot tall people (utensils and all) uncovered by a landslide in the Kaimanawas? Why are such remains, and skeletons, usually handed to Maori, or carefully slipped out of the public arena into oblivion?

What happened to the tall seven foot plus, skeletons found in a rock cave, to which the entrance was conveniently detonated to cover up the evidence? What about the grave of a tall warrior wearing full armour?

Why are authorities now vociferously trying to deny the facts that confirm and prove the Moriori were not Maori?

Why are early Portuguese artifacts, Phonecian artifacts (or are they Carthaginian?), Celtic and Viking artifacts deliberately destroyed or handed to local Maori Iwi for displosal BEFORE legitimate scientific analysis, genetic DNA fingerfrinting and carbon dating can be done?

Why are all the strange wrecks around New Zealand, ignored, re-buried, destroyed, and not investigated properly?

Where did all the ancient fruit trees around the Kaipara harbour come from? Local lore has it that they have been there from the beginning!

Why are ancient Maori oral records about earlier peoples ignored, hidden, or conveniently suppressed, yet equally oral records about land claims are accepted as gospel?

Why do so many early skeletons have characteristics that are definitely non-Maori (or even any sort of Polynesian), when found, simply get handed straight to Iwi who immediately secret them away for destructive or secretive disposal?

Why are thousands of pre-Maori sites deliberately being engulfed by Maori claims under covert procedures processed by the Treaty of Waitangi tribunal? Or "by arrangement" with local bodies. or DOC or environmental and government cultural organisations?

Why was Capt. Cook using Portuguese charts when he visited NZ for the first time? Why did these charts show Cook Straight as Portuguese Pass? Why did the map have Portuguese names assigned to various east coast features and places? Why do the East Coast Maori look so Portuguese yet no research is funded to link the facts to the present historical understanding of our country?

Why are numerous constructed stone walls around the country simply written off as "natural rock formations and features"?

Why are strange writings, glyphs, and the like on rocks abounding in waterways and coasts not widely acknowledged as being pre-Maori and associated with known cultures and examples in the old world? Why are Maori given control over waterways where such items are found? Do Maori have or deserve exclusive rights to everything?

Do the Patu pai-arehe people still inhabit remote parts of our country? Some reports, suppressed or ignored of course, indicate they may still be there. Turehu? Te Roroa? Waitaha? there are many names for pre-Maori peoples. Maori elders know this, but avoid giving out the truth or deliberately convey opposite or misinformation about so many things if given a chance.

Why do so many so called Maori designs reflect a strong celtic influence? Were they borrowed from their Celtic predecessors? Or is it that Celtic design and Maori design had a common origin?

Why is "old Maori" suggested to have similarity to much older Celtic languages or an earlier common language? Why do so many place so called Maori place names have such similarity to Gaelic and Celtic language root sounds and meanings? "Tara" in Taranaki is a normal celtic Gaelic term for a place of significance. eg. Tara in Ireland. Can some ancient Gaelic and Celtic scholar investigate the so called Maori place names of NZ and give us insight into their origins? Modern spellings for Maori may inadvertantly conceal linguistic links or borrowed words. Dialectic variance may also add to the puzzle.

Why are some Maoris so scared of the truth? Loss of mana? Mana built on lies and deceit is rubbish! It will be a curse on them. Mana built on willing honesty and truth is far more valuable and beneficial. For people unfamiliar with the NZ term "mana". Mana is a term which covers a multitude of attributes about or concerning the worth of an individual, a family, a tribe etc. It encompasses such as charisma, esprite de corps, social worth, spiritual worth, general standing from personal and public perspectives, power in person, over family, associates, tribe, society, and also in influence over people, things, and events. Consequently there are varying degrees of mana. It can be gained, inherited, or lost.

Why are so many megalithic sites around the country being destroyed? Why is their existence unrecognised, ignored, or even denied ? Why do Maori deny any access to such sites even though public road/access ways exist? Standover tactics forcibly dissuade legitimate investigation.

Why did Maori once admit many many relics, skeletons etc, were "not theirs" or "not of our kind". Why is everything pre-the late 1700's or early 1800's now considered of Maori origin, or assumed to be so, and passed unquestioningly to Maori Iwi?

Why are stone cities kept secret? Why are pine plantations planted to cover and destroy such sites? Cattle, then bull-dozers and forestry logging operations break up, destroy and obliterate valuable ancient sites. Should trees should be removed from old archaeologically significant sites to protect them from obscurity and damage by root systems?

What could Kaiiwi lake reveal, in name and in it's lake bed?

What will happen when ancient 12th century Christian Scottish / Viking settlements are revealed?. Will the documents that record these settlements soon be accepted? Will international courts recognise the validity of claims that will arise as descendants request compensation, or make land claims against Maori and the NZ Government? Will the Maori eventually pay for the rapine, murder and cannibalism and other heinous atrocities? The Moriori have equal rights to make such claims, in spite of a deliberate Government cover up of Moriori society. So too the Waitaha have unresolved claims.

Why is not DNA fingerprinting done on dried heads returned to NZ after being reclaimed from overseas? Why are so many of these heads not of true Maori origin (except possibly having been orginally sold by them?) Many of these show Celtic and Portuguese features. Poor unfortunates perhaps from previous cannibalistic atrocities.

DNA research into Moa hunters reveals polynesian traits, but is that what the researchers were looking for? Did they deliberately or inadvertantly overlook other hybrid traits? Was it just one result that satisfies current opinion at the expense of other anomalous records at other sites aged in the same historical periods?

Unless Maori and the NZ Government come clean and put the records straight, any perception of real or accrued mana will be totally stripped from them and they will become a broken people for all time. Or they can join the rest of NZ on an equal footing and become just one people of a modern and enlightened NZ populace. Let the truth be known!